Show Vids and Pics

Take Erma Bombeck & David Sedaris, Joni Mitchell & Aretha Franklin, Jackie Mason & Billy Joel, toss them into a Nutri-Bullit, microwave on high to realign the molecular structure, sprinkle in a curious notion of the world and its craziness, add a fixed Jewish nose, throw in a guitar and piano, and you’ve got one Mental Yentl®!
Whether it's a full blown concert of songs and stories, or an evening of readings and discussions, Sally celebrates the humorous wackadoodle in our daily lives.
Some of the following videos are live performances from Sally's Mental Yentl Show, and live Four Bitchin' Babe shows. Then there are the Deirdre Flint Babe produced videos of Sally songs, (Boy on Wheels, Chocolate, The Dreidel Do Over) and the hysterical very true to life animated peek at "Babes backstage!"
I Am Now That Woman
The Dreidel Do Over Cartoon
Faces On My Wall
Jewish Kid Born on Christmas Day Talking Blues
Home Is Where the Heart Is
The Dreidel Do Over
Don't Mess with Me, I'm Sombody's Mother
The Table
Boy On Wheels
These Are The Things
Four Bitchin' Babes Backstage
The Long Lonesome Road
Chocolate Cartoon
Working with the best editor ever, Katherine Matthews is a beloved and brilliant instructor at the (James) Thurber House Literary Center. Known for its prestigious Thurber Prize for American Humor, where past winners and finalists include David Sedaris, Jon Stewart, Andy Borowitz, Trevor Noah, and David Letterman (just to name a few!), Katherine teaches and produces tremendous programming for writers of all genres. When it came to finding my village, I chose wisely!! And and like me, Katherine knows good candy!!!
Oh to be among the other writers on this poster! I felt so chi-chi-tre'-tre'-boom-boom. I'd arrived!!!!

Look how pretty my purple book shows up!!
My mother would have been so proud. As I stood before this lovely community of "readers" as we shared and laughed at our cultural mishigas (go look it up!), I froze as they all threw their books in the air for this photo! A total PLOTZ! (You'll find plotz not far from where you found mishegas)

A very marvelous and intimate evening, celebrating with a Florida chapter of Lions of Judah an altruistic and lovely philanthropic organization. As strange as it was to read from a book, rather than sing with an instrument, I experienced the same interaction and laughter, and it was great fun to see how people reacted to our similarities. I felt so normal and regular. I was not alone, aaahhhhhhh!
Here, at lunch, celebrating the closing of the outstanding "Author Event" hosted by these dedicated organizers and caring donors in Naples Florida! This event from start to finish set the bar and spoiled me rotten!